Copyright ©1999-2009 Roy Rogers. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Roy Rogers is prohibited. Trigger, Bullet, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Roy Rogers Jr., Happy Trails Children's Foundation and RogersDale U.S.A. logo are trademarks of Roy Rogers. "Disclaimer - Privacy Policy" . The Happy Trails Children's Foundation is a nonprofit/public benefit corporation, and it is organized under the nonprofit public benefit corporation law for charitable purposes. All donations are fully tax deductible! The tax exempt status for the foundation (a 501c(3)) California public benefit corporation. The employer tax identification number for this foundation is 95-3872257.

About Us - The Happy Trails Foundation

Apple Valley, CA. The Happy Trails Children's Foundation is pleased to carry on the work with abused children who were so important to Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Child abuse is a very serious problem that is growing in epidemic proportions. It is heartbreaking to hear the case histories of children who have been the victims of severe mental and physical abuse, beatings, sexual abuse, kidnappings, neglect, abandonment, and death. An astounding number of almost one in ten children nationwide is a victim of severe child abuse in one form or another. The number of major cases appears to be increasing at an alarming rate. There is an urgent need for the services provided by the Cooper Home, a project of the Happy Trails Children's Foundation. The foundation in partnership with Trinity Youth Services operates two cottages with a total of 44 beds for boys between the ages of 10 and 16. These boys are victims of child abuse who have been removed from their homes throughout Southern California by child protective services and sent to us by the courts for residential care and treatment services. The boys are here on average about 12 to 18 months, going through an intensive program of group and individual therapy. They have a prescribed program with goals that must be met along the way. An important part of their treatment involves a healthy dose of outdoor activities and athletics. Upon graduation from the program, their case worker in consultation with staff determines the best placement for them. Some are able to return to their homes. Others go to a foster home or live with grandparents, aunts, uncles, an older brother or sister, or another group home for older boys till they are 18. We know our program is working to help these youth because they are not showing back up in the system. We are proud of these boys and the progress they have made. We are proud of our beautiful facility and our dedicated staff. The foundation has made great strides in recent years but much remains to be done. We receive public support from Roy Rogers and Dale Evans fans all across the country and around the world. We are also supported by generous contributions from Single Action Shooting Society members and other shooters, collectors, organized shooting sports and the firearms industry. A major portion of our revenue comes from opportunity drawings, live and silent auctions. We also publish an annual newsletter that is sent to our donors and we hold special events that raise funds for the foundation throughout the year – such as The Breakfast Club, the FRIENDS OF HAPPY TRAILS BANQUET, and Curly’s Cowboy Christmas dinner and show among others! The Happy Trails Children's Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501 (c)(3), run by a volunteer Board of Directors and a paid and volunteer staff. All donations are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. WE NEED YOUR HELP! PRIVACY POLICY The Happy Trails Children’s Foundation has a very simple privacy policy. We do not sell, rent, or loan our mailing list to any organization, individual, or company for any reason whatsoever. No one has access to our list other than our office staff. You get on our list by making a donation, buying a ticket to one of our fund raising events, buying an opportunity ticket, or item at one of our auctions, or specifically requesting to be added to our mailing list. If you do not wish to be on our mailing list, you may send us an email, call or write us and request that your name be removed from our list. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us.
Copyright ©1999-2009 Roy Rogers. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Roy Rogers is prohibited. Trigger, Bullet, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Roy Rogers Jr., Happy Trails Children's Foundation and RogersDale U.S.A. logo are trademarks of Roy Rogers. "Disclaimer - Privacy Policy" . The Happy Trails Children's Foundation is a nonprofit/public benefit corporation, and it is organized under the nonprofit public benefit corporation law for charitable purposes. All donations are fully tax deductible! The tax exempt status for the foundation (a 501c(3)) California public benefit corporation. The employer tax identification number for this foundation is 95-3872257.

About Us - The Happy Trails Foundation

Apple Valley, CA. The Happy Trails Children's Foundation is pleased to carry on the work with abused children who were so important to Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Child abuse is a very serious problem that is growing in epidemic proportions. It is heartbreaking to hear the case histories of children who have been the victims of severe mental and physical abuse, beatings, sexual abuse, kidnappings, neglect, abandonment, and death. An astounding number of almost one in ten children nationwide is a victim of severe child abuse in one form or another. The number of major cases appears to be increasing at an alarming rate. There is an urgent need for the services provided by the Cooper Home, a project of the Happy Trails Children's Foundation. The foundation in partnership with Trinity Youth Services operates two cottages with a total of 44 beds for boys between the ages of 10 and 16. These boys are victims of child abuse who have been removed from their homes throughout Southern California by child protective services and sent to us by the courts for residential care and treatment services. The boys are here on average about 12 to 18 months, going through an intensive program of group and individual therapy. They have a prescribed program with goals that must be met along the way. An important part of their treatment involves a healthy dose of outdoor activities and athletics. Upon graduation from the program, their case worker in consultation with staff determines the best placement for them. Some are able to return to their homes. Others go to a foster home or live with grandparents, aunts, uncles, an older brother or sister, or another group home for older boys till they are 18. We know our program is working to help these youth because they are not showing back up in the system. We are proud of these boys and the progress they have made. We are proud of our beautiful facility and our dedicated staff. The foundation has made great strides in recent years but much remains to be done. We receive public support from Roy Rogers and Dale Evans fans all across the country and around the world. We are also supported by generous contributions from Single Action Shooting Society members and other shooters, collectors, organized shooting sports and the firearms industry. A major portion of our revenue comes from opportunity drawings, live and silent auctions. We also publish an annual newsletter that is sent to our donors and we hold special events that raise funds for the foundation throughout the year – such as The Breakfast Club, the FRIENDS OF HAPPY TRAILS BANQUET, and Curly’s Cowboy Christmas dinner and show among others! The Happy Trails Children's Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501 (c)(3), run by a volunteer Board of Directors and a paid and volunteer staff. All donations are fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. WE NEED YOUR HELP! PRIVACY POLICY The Happy Trails Children’s Foundation has a very simple privacy policy. We do not sell, rent, or loan our mailing list to any organization, individual, or company for any reason whatsoever. No one has access to our list other than our office staff. You get on our list by making a donation, buying a ticket to one of our fund raising events, buying an opportunity ticket, or item at one of our auctions, or specifically requesting to be added to our mailing list. If you do not wish to be on our mailing list, you may send us an email, call or write us and request that your name be removed from our list. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us.