Our goal here is to introduce you to Happy Trails Children's Foundation, who we are, what we do, and how you can take part in helping children-in-crisis. Feel free to mosey around a bit and get acquainted. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us. Thanks for stopping by. Our Heritage Legendary western entertainers Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, stars of radio, film, records, television and personal appearances, were heroes to millions of fans from the Saturday matinee era throughout the television era. The names of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans personify the values, tradition and spirit that are at the heart of our rich American Heritage. Their names are synonymous with integrity, honesty, quality and family values. They were superstars who consistently delivered a wholesome brand of entertainment suitable for the entire family. Roy’s films and TV shows were based on a formula that included action, romance, music and comedy. They had something for everyone. His pictures contained some of the most innovative action sequences ever recorded on film. None of the major studios at that time could even come close to capturing on film the exciting action that was a part of every Rogers film. The musical production numbers in some of his films rivaled those of MGM. Roy’s screenplays were well written and always had a moral lesson for the legions of boys and girls who saw his films. Off screen, Roy lived by the same high standards and moral code he portrayed on screen. He had a more positive influence on the lives of boys and girls growing up in America in the 40’s and 50’s than any other single individual. Roy and Dale loved children and spent a lifetime devoted to children and children’s charities, including the Happy Trails Children’s Foundation for abused and neglected children. Our History The Victor Valley Child Abuse Task Force was formed in 1982 with the mission of stemming a rising tide of child abuse, neglect, abandonment and death in the High Desert of San Bernardino County in Southern California. In 1992, the name was changed to the Happy Trails Children’s Foundation, to reflect the participation and support of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, King of the Cowboys and Queen of the West. The Happy Trails Children’s Foundation built the Cooper Home in Apple Valley, CA, the long-time home of Roy and Dale, to provide a safe haven for children-at-risk who have been severely abused and/or neglected. A generous bequest from the estate of George Harold Cooper provided the financial base for the home and a house donated by Dr. and Mrs. Philip Marsden was moved to a 40 acre Apple Valley site donated by Tom and Lynn Hrubik. The house was remodeled to become the Foundation office and two cottages, a cafeteria building and two support services buildings were constructed to house and provide services to the children Today, the Cooper Home serves as a long-term residential care and treatment center for severely abused boys. The day to day operations of the Cooper Home are provided by Trinity Youth Services, a national non-profit child care organization with more than 40 years experience operating children’s programs in 14 group homes and foster family agencies. Happy Trails Children’s Foundation in partnership with Trinity Youth Services continually operates the Cooper Home at maximum capacity with 44 boys between the ages of 10 and 16, plus we have a lengthy waiting list! These are boys who have been so severely abused, Child Protective Services has removed them from their homes and the courts send them to us for a very intensive treatment program of group and individual therapy. Since the Cooper Home opened in 1997, more than 850 children have received shelter, care and treatment services. Situated on 40 acres of land in the High Desert, the Cooper Home is surrounded by panoramic vistas of snow-capped mountains and natural desert terrain under healthy, smog-free skies. Our pleasant cottages and well-manicured outdoor play areas provide a peaceful, serene environment in which children can begin the healing process. Child Abuse The problem of child abuse is a very serious problem that is growing in epidemic proportions. Throughout the past few months, newspapers and news broadcasts have been filled with tragic stories of child abuse, molestation, kidnappings, beatings, and death. The number of severe cases of child abuse appears to be increasing at an alarming rate. There is an urgent need for the services provided by the Cooper Home. Research has shown that children who are abused often become abusers as adults. They tend to repeat behaviors they learn as children. Our primary goal is to break that chain of abuse! We believe that every child should be able to grow up in a loving and caring environment, free from fear and abuse. We need your help! No matter how successful our fund raising efforts, we are never able to raise enough money to meet all the needs of the children in our care. There are numerous ways that you can help support the work of the foundation. One of the easiest ways is by making a gift by cash, check or credit card. By using your credit card, you may gain valuable points or airline miles. We also accept gifts of real estate. If you have owned your home, land, investment property, farm or ranch for many years, a charitable gift of that real estate to the foundation can be particularly advantageous tax wise. If donated, you avoid capital gains tax and realize a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the real estate. The foundation also accepts gifts of stocks and bonds, art, jewelry, firearms, coins, and other collectibles. You receive a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of these assets at the time of the gift. Also, we invite you to remember Happy Trails Children's Foundation with a charitable bequest in your will or trust. Contact your accountant, attorney or tax advisor for more information about the tax advantages of charitable giving. We are most grateful for your support! The Happy Trails Children’s Foundation is a charitable non-profit organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is: 95-3872257. For more information about the foundation and how you can help, please contact us. Joel Dortch, Executive Director 10755 Apple Valley Road Apple Valley, CA 92308 (760) 240-3330 (760) 240-1458 Fax E-mail: Director@happytrails.org Web site: www.happytrails.org
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Copyright ©1999-2009 Roy Rogers. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Roy Rogers is prohibited. Trigger, Bullet, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Roy Rogers Jr., Happy Trails Children's Foundation and RogersDale U.S.A. logo are trademarks of Roy Rogers. "Disclaimer - Privacy Policy" . The Happy Trails Children's Foundation is a nonprofit/public benefit corporation, and it is organized under the nonprofit public benefit corporation law for charitable purposes. All donations are fully tax deductible! The tax exempt status for the foundation (a 501c(3)) California public benefit corporation. The employer tax identification number for this foundation is 95-3872257.
Our goal here is to introduce you to Happy Trails Children's Foundation, who we are, what we do, and how you can take part in helping children-in-crisis. Feel free to mosey around a bit and get acquainted. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us. Thanks for stopping by. Our Heritage Legendary western entertainers Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, stars of radio, film, records, television and personal appearances, were heroes to millions of fans from the Saturday matinee era throughout the television era. The names of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans personify the values, tradition and spirit that are at the heart of our rich American Heritage. Their names are synonymous with integrity, honesty, quality and family values. They were superstars who consistently delivered a wholesome brand of entertainment suitable for the entire family. Roy’s films and TV shows were based on a formula that included action, romance, music and comedy. They had something for everyone. His pictures contained some of the most innovative action sequences ever recorded on film. None of the major studios at that time could even come close to capturing on film the exciting action that was a part of every Rogers film. The musical production numbers in some of his films rivaled those of MGM. Roy’s screenplays were well written and always had a moral lesson for the legions of boys and girls who saw his films. Off screen, Roy lived by the same high standards and moral code he portrayed on screen. He had a more positive influence on the lives of boys and girls growing up in America in the 40’s and 50’s than any other single individual. Roy and Dale loved children and spent a lifetime devoted to children and children’s charities, including the Happy Trails Children’s Foundation for abused and neglected children. Our History The Victor Valley Child Abuse Task Force was formed in 1982 with the mission of stemming a rising tide of child abuse, neglect, abandonment and death in the High Desert of San Bernardino County in Southern California. In 1992, the name was changed to the Happy Trails Children’s Foundation, to reflect the participation and support of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, King of the Cowboys and Queen of the West. The Happy Trails Children’s Foundation built the Cooper Home in Apple Valley, CA, the long-time home of Roy and Dale, to provide a safe haven for children-at-risk who have been severely abused and/or neglected. A generous bequest from the estate of George Harold Cooper provided the financial base for the home and a house donated by Dr. and Mrs. Philip Marsden was moved to a 40 acre Apple Valley site donated by Tom and Lynn Hrubik. The house was remodeled to become the Foundation office and two cottages, a cafeteria building and two support services buildings were constructed to house and provide services to the children Today, the Cooper Home serves as a long-term residential care and treatment center for severely abused boys. The day to day operations of the Cooper Home are provided by Trinity Youth Services, a national non- profit child care organization with more than 40 years experience operating children’s programs in 14 group homes and foster family agencies. Happy Trails Children’s Foundation in partnership with Trinity Youth Services continually operates the Cooper Home at maximum capacity with 44 boys between the ages of 10 and 16, plus we have a lengthy waiting list! These are boys who have been so severely abused, Child Protective Services has removed them from their homes and the courts send them to us for a very intensive treatment program of group and individual therapy. Since the Cooper Home opened in 1997, more than 850 children have received shelter, care and treatment services. Situated on 40 acres of land in the High Desert, the Cooper Home is surrounded by panoramic vistas of snow-capped mountains and natural desert terrain under healthy, smog-free skies. Our pleasant cottages and well-manicured outdoor play areas provide a peaceful, serene environment in which children can begin the healing process. Child Abuse The problem of child abuse is a very serious problem that is growing in epidemic proportions. Throughout the past few months, newspapers and news broadcasts have been filled with tragic stories of child abuse, molestation, kidnappings, beatings, and death. The number of severe cases of child abuse appears to be increasing at an alarming rate. There is an urgent need for the services provided by the Cooper Home. Research has shown that children who are abused often become abusers as adults. They tend to repeat behaviors they learn as children. Our primary goal is to break that chain of abuse! We believe that every child should be able to grow up in a loving and caring environment, free from fear and abuse. We need your help! No matter how successful our fund raising efforts, we are never able to raise enough money to meet all the needs of the children in our care. There are numerous ways that you can help support the work of the foundation. One of the easiest ways is by making a gift by cash, check or credit card. By using your credit card, you may gain valuable points or airline miles. We also accept gifts of real estate. If you have owned your home, land, investment property, farm or ranch for many years, a charitable gift of that real estate to the foundation can be particularly advantageous tax wise. If donated, you avoid capital gains tax and realize a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the real estate. The foundation also accepts gifts of stocks and bonds, art, jewelry, firearms, coins, and other collectibles. You receive a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of these assets at the time of the gift. Also, we invite you to remember Happy Trails Children's Foundation with a charitable bequest in your will or trust. Contact your accountant, attorney or tax advisor for more information about the tax advantages of charitable giving. We are most grateful for your support! The Happy Trails Children’s Foundation is a charitable non-profit organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is: 95-3872257. For more information about the foundation and how you can help, please contact us. Joel Dortch, Executive Director 10755 Apple Valley Road Apple Valley, CA 92308 (760) 240-3330 (760) 240-1458 Fax E-mail: Director@happytrails.org Web site: www.happytrails.org
Copyright ©1999-2009 Roy Rogers. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Roy Rogers is prohibited. Trigger, Bullet, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Roy Rogers Jr., Happy Trails Children's Foundation and RogersDale U.S.A. logo are trademarks of Roy Rogers. "Disclaimer - Privacy Policy" . The Happy Trails Children's Foundation is a nonprofit/public benefit corporation, and it is organized under the nonprofit public benefit corporation law for charitable purposes. All donations are fully tax deductible! The tax exempt status for the foundation (a 501c(3)) California public benefit corporation. The employer tax identification number for this foundation is 95-3872257.